Please read carefully and follow each of the indicated steps.
After doing so, send documents back to our email to proceed with scheduling.


The medical order must include doctor’s information, patient’s name, diagnosis, and reason for ordering PET scan.


Print and answer each of the questions. Please, do not leave any unanswered questions.

If there is a question that does not apply to the patient, please answer with the initials N/A (not apply).

Questionnaire for PET-CT
Questionnaire for BRAIN PET SCAN


The patient should print and read the document carefully.

If the indications are clearly understood the document must be signed with full name, signature, and date.

Preparation for PET-CT
Preparation for BRAIN PET SCAN


Your deposit of half of the total cost of the study must be covered in order to receive confirmation of your appointment.

Payment in two exhibitions:

Normal PET scan total cost is $36,200 M.N.* The PET – Foreigners Package total cost is $42,350 M.N.*

First Payment50% of the total cost of the study as an advance payment. Please write the name of the patient on the voucher.

Second Payment: Remaining 50% of total cost. This payment is made at the time of attending your appointment with the reception staff.

*Prices are subject to change without prior notice.

If you require accommodations we offer the PET – Foreigners Package

Learn more:

Charge to Credit Card

At toll free 1 (888) 529-9016
or 01152 (665) 655-5169
Ask for:
Lupita Rosales (ext. 6272)
or William Moreno (ext. 6244)

Questions or comments

If you have questions on any of the steps of this process, please call us toll free at 1 (888) 529-9016 or at 01152 (665) 655-5169 from Monday thru Friday 7:00am to 5:00pm or send us an e-mail:

Scan all the documents and send them to the following email:

Scantibodies Imaging and Therapy

Calle Los Viñedos #4000-E
Parque Industrial El Bajío,
Tecate, B.C. México C.P. 21430
1 (888) 529 9016
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