Please read carefully and follow each of the indicated steps.
After doing so, send documents back to our email to proceed with scheduling.


If there is a question that does not apply to the patient, please answer with the initials N/A (not apply).

If the indications are clearly understood the document must be signed with full name, signature, and date.

Payment in two exhibitions:
Normal PET scan total cost is $36,200 M.N.* The PET – Foreigners Package total cost is $42,350 M.N.*
First Payment: 50% of the total cost of the study as an advance payment. Please write the name of the patient on the voucher.
Second Payment: Remaining 50% of total cost. This payment is made at the time of attending your appointment with the reception staff.
*Prices are subject to change without prior notice.
If you require accommodations we offer the PET – Foreigners Package
Learn more:
Charge to Credit Card
At toll free 1 (888) 529-9016
or 01152 (665) 655-5169
Ask for:
Lupita Rosales (ext. 6272)
or William Moreno (ext. 6244)
Questions or comments
If you have questions on any of the steps of this process, please call us toll free at 1 (888) 529-9016 or at 01152 (665) 655-5169 from Monday thru Friday 7:00am to 5:00pm or send us an e-mail: appointments@imagingandtherapy.com