Scantibodies Imaging & Therapy Center

Calle Los Viñedos #4000-E
Parque Industrial El Bajío,
Tecate, B.C. México C.P. 21430
Toll Free Telephone from the U.S.:
1 (888) 529 9016
Telephone from the U.S.:
(619) 324 7738
In Spanish (619) 324-7750

Telephone from México:
+52 (665) 655-5169

Scantibodies Imaging and Therapy Center
Calle Los Viñedos #4000-E
Parque Industrial El Bajío,
Tecate, B.C. México C.P. 21430
Operating Hours:
Monday to Friday, from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, PST

Contact us for more information or to schedule an appointment:

Scantibodies Imaging and Therapy

Calle Los Viñedos #4000-E
Parque Industrial El Bajío,
Tecate, B.C. México C.P. 21430
1 (888) 529 9016
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